How to Include a Widget Into my Landing Page

If you want to include some kind of an external widget or element into Lander, don’t worry you can of course add one of these to your Landing Page.

How to include a widget into your landing page

To do this, access the editor where it says “tools” and then select “advance” and look for the element called “HTML”. Next select it and then drag it and drop it into the editor. Once you've done that you’ll then see a window that will ask you for the HTML code of the element you want to add.

Then, all you need to do is just paste the code of the element that you want to add inside the window and that’s it. Place it where you want it on your Landing Page, publish and you’re ready to go.

Here’s a Quick Example.

Ok, let’s say that you want to include a nice SlideShare on your Landing Page. In that case what you’ll need to do is copy the code  for the SlideShare presentation and then embed it into your Landing Page. So, look for the option called “embed”, and click there.

How do I Add a Script to my Landing Page?

Once you've done that, copy that code and then paste it into the HTML Element.

Remember, you won’t be able to see the presentation inside the editor itself but you can always check it out by pressing the preview option and taking a quick look before you publish.

Ok that’s it, you’re all set! Now you have your slider successfully added to your Landing Page.