How to Download your Leads?

On each landing page Dashboard you'll find a conversion chart with the option to download a .csv file containing all received leads. Keep in mind that this chart becomes available when visits, leads or clicks are registered. If you can't find it might be because there are not visits registered for your landing page. Lander's conversion chart looks ike this:

Lander Conversion Chart

Once you click on the button called "Leads" on the upper right side a list of leads will appear. The list shown is only partial, the complete list of leads is available for downloading by clicking on "Download CSV".  The csv file contains all the info you requested on your form and some additional data such as IP address, platform , browser , etc.

View Lander Leads

Another possiblity to get your leads is from your Overall View, you'll see an icon with a subheadline called "Leads". Just click on that option and your leads will be automatically download. This way you won't have to get into each one of your Landing Page.

Download Leads


This is how to download your landing page leads. Now you have all of your leads available to send to your sales team, upload to a CRM or email marketing tool. If you have any problem finding your leads don't hesitate to contact our Support Team here.