E-commerce Landing page templates

Your Weekly Inspiration: E-Commerce Landing Page Templates

In the world of  eCommerce, landing pages play a major role in consumers’ journey and they  come into play when the visitor is either from a Facebook ad, an email campaign or any other ads . It paves a clear path for your visitor to focus on a single offer that you just made and avoid all other distractions that can hold them back.

‘At least half of a website’s visitors will come through some page other than the homepage.’

- Dan Brown’s 8 Principles of Information Architecture

Every campaign really deserves a landing page. If you aren’t convinced , check out the facts:


According to research from Marketing Experiments,

48% of marketers build a new landing page for each marketing campaign.

Campaigns that include custom landing pages, see a 55% average increase in leads.


To get the best of your eCommerce landing pages, you have to be aware of the key elements and best practices necessary to create highly converting eCommerce landing pages. All highest converting landing pages have these  in common

Headline  with a Hero image that arrests the eyeball

Cat Eye

Your headlines must be the first impression to grab a visitor’s attention to make him or her understand the value of your product.It must nurture the interest of the reader and  must nudge them to read more, to understand what would they gain by using your products or services.


Highlight a well-chosen image that clearly tells the visitors about the product or service and it’s functions. What does he or she  achieve by buying the product or service? Mind you, this is the ‘Age of Instagram.’ Conversion rates will go down if you do not use high quality relevant images.

Keeping away from Stock Photos

keep focus

Don’t you think, there is a good chance that your visitor has already seen that generic stock photo that you are about to use.  If you are looking out to initiate a personal connection with your audience with regards to your product or brand, they wouldn’t be interested in the image that isn’t personal to your product or your brand. Use an original picture to spark the right emotion.

The Product is the point of Focus  


Make the visitors’ eye go right on the product by picking a large enough, high-quality image. Ensure that you do not distract the visitor from the copy that leads to the CTA at the same time. The visual path to navigate, must be extremely easy for the consumer and you have the power to make it so.

“On the average, five times as many people read the headline as reads the body copy.”


  • David Ogilvy


According to Marketo, 96% of visitors who come to an eCommerce landing page template, are not ready to buy.

Always to the Point

GOLF To The Point

Headline?—keep it short and keep away from being clever. If they don’t understand what you are talking about, you will lose them. In all high conversion landing pages, headlines have a maximum of 10 words and bring in clarity at the very beginning. Inject the cleverness in the content to hook your visitor to read more.

Simple yet powerful CTAs

mobile CTA

Every element on an eCommerce landing page is important. But CTAs are on the top of the list.  Your CTA button must clearly let a customer know what action they should take by standing out to him or her when they are on  your page.


Reliable and credible reviews


Trust is crucial for conversions and including credible customer reviews on a landing page makes a huge impact on conversion rates. Have you ever purchased anything from Flipkart or  from Amazon without checking the reviews? Never use anonymous testimonials as your customers always trust the opinions of another consumer.And, they must be “actual people.”


Mobile responsiveness

Mobile Responsive

Make your eCommerce landing pages always responsive to the mobile screens. Remember, most of your visitors use mobile phones than computer screens.

A/B Testing


If your landing page isn’t tested, then it isn’t up to its  full potential. Can’t decide between two images? A/B test them.Not sure which CTA to use for your particular audience? Let data decide for you.Without A/B testing your landing page, you’re leaving a bunch of money on the table.


Check out our special collection of highly converting ecommerce landing page templates now



Always showcase a high-quality image of your product. Use relevant image with standout headlines. Always remember, CTA buttons are the show stoppers. A logical visual path always helps the visitor. Include credible user reviews to build trust. Make sure your landing page is functional and beautiful on mobile. Always test, test, A/B test.