
Perks of Implementing White Paper Marketing

A white paper is an authoritative report or guide designed to educate or persuade the reader on a particular topic. We have earlier looked in this article the tips of white paper marketing.

White paper can range from a single page to hundreds of pages and traditionally occur in two spheres: government and business-to-business (B2B) marketing.

White paper is solution-oriented with a basic organizational format that first outlines a problem and then proposes a solution. When using a white paper for marketing purposes, the paper should focus on a product or service your company offers.

A white paper is a really powerful marketing tool. Many people think that it's only sole purpose is to generate leads, but actually, there are several other benefits of writing and using a white paper in your content marketing strategy. They are listed below:

White Paper Marketing Generate Leads


Unarguably, the most popular use of White Paper marketing strategy is it’s uncanny ability to generate leads. Owing to the fact that it contains both educative content in the form of a long magazine article and direct marketing material in the form of a corporate brochure.

white papers have a high conversion rate as compared to other methods. The combination of learning followed by persuasion makes them one of the most powerful marketing tools available. Also, the leads generated by White papers are generally very reliable.

White Paper Marketing Help you Create a Mailing List


White Paper Marketing

Normally, creating a mailing list can be a very uptight task. Getting someone to sign up to your newsletter simply to receive updates doesn’t get many takers, and most of the visitors will just pass.

But if you give away a free gift in the form of a subscription, you can get a free sign-up, that can bring more subscribers. So if you have a white paper, you can use it as a free gift/subscription which is available to people after signing up.

Make sure that the subject of your white paper is relevant to your blog and contains something that interests your audience for gaining more subscriptions.

White Paper Marketing Build Your Brand Image


A white paper is not always for generating leads; it can also spread awareness among your audience and create a better brand image.

At the end of the paper, instead of writing a persuasive brochure to coax your users into action, you may write a short description of your company and the tasks it handles. This will help the viewer base comprehend what services your company provides.

These types of white papers which contain very little promotional material can also help generate leads indirectly. They will showcase your expertise and establish you as a leader in the field. And as we all know, people like working with experts because they are the ones who perform.

White Paper Marketing Help you Get More Facebook Likes


White Paper Marketing

The power of Social Media is impeccable in our white paper marketing technique. Another way you can use your white paper is to get likes on your company’s Facebook page. In the new Facebook timeline, they have got rid of the landing page, but not of fan-gating.

You can now place your content in the tiny tabs below your cover image. Then place a powerful message in this tab, letting your page visitors know that they can get the white paper, only on one condition - if they like your page.

You can also place a short signup form in this tab so that people can subscribe to receive it after they have liked your page. This way you will not only get a lot of likes, but you can also build your mailing list.

These are some powerful ways in which you can apply your white paper marketing strategy. Each of these methods can help you increase traffic, strengthen relationships, spread expertise, increase social proof and generate a lot of leads.

So make sure you use them all and get the best out of your white paper.