What's in a High-Quality Landing Page Form?

What’s in a High-Quality Landing Page Form?

Forms are often the most important component to generate conversions from landing pages.

Without them, it can be difficult to capture contact information to use at a later time. If you want to optimize conversion rates on your pages, lead generation forms are a key area of focus.

Whether you're an e-commerce retailer or a business-to-business company, forms are designed to help you attract new customers, which means it's important to consider the needs of your target audience.

This is especially true for B2B firms because a landing page will often be a prospect's first contact with your brand.

Marketers need to capture visitors' information to turn them into leads and be able to build relationships with them later on. However, you can't do this unless your Landing Page form is designed with conversion in mind.

Here are some tips to optimize forms and see the results you want from your lead generation efforts:

Don't Overdo It

It's probably no surprise that Internet surfers have less patience than ever before, and this certainly extends to filling out lengthy forms. If you require too many fields, potential customers are more likely to abandon the page than complete the process.

In fact, various research and A/B testing has revealed simpler landing pages and calls to action drive more click-thrus, according to Marketing Land. This applies to forms as well. Only ask for the information you need to reach out to a prospect in the future.

One way to potentially capture more data without encroaching on the user's experience is by only requiring the most essential contact information and making other forms optional, Search Engine Land stated. This may depend on your customer base.

For example, companies that rely heavily on a potential client's geographical location to determine relevancy of the lead will still need to make these fields mandatory. Businesses that don't need this data right off the bat can make it optional for the initial landing page form.

Experiment With Different Landing Page Form Designs

If forms aren't delivering the number of conversions you want, it may be worthwhile to try something new.

Whether it's the size of the button or the text on it, the number of fields or the specific questions that leads are required to answer, split testing can show where there are areas to optimize.

There are extensive possibilities for landing page forms that work, such as a two-page form or a two-column field layout, but it's nearly impossible to determine what aspects will increase conversion rates without testing.

It's important to remember to only test two variables at a time to get more accurate results. Even the color of the text on the button can have an impact on conversion.

Use Action-Oriented Words on Submit Buttons

"Submit" is kind of a boring word, and there's a pretty good chance your prospects think so as well. Short, specific phrases that communicate a benefit can ensure a decrease in form abandonment rates.

For example, you can replace submit with "Access your free trial now!" or "Download your white paper."

This wording compels people to take the action because it highlights what they will get from the interaction, whether it's a price quote or in-depth marketing content. If the offering is free, it can be especially helpful to reiterate this.

Forms are a crucial tool for lead generation, but it takes some work to get them exactly right and ensure your landing page converts. While simple is usually better, testing can reveal what works and what doesn't.

What are some elements you include in your website's forms?