Uses For Your Landing Pages That Aren’t Readily Apparent
Of all the “modern marvels” in today's digital marketing world, perhaps none is more versatile and useful than the landing page. If you are an online marketer, the landing page is a tool you want in your marketing toolbox.
Landing pages are an ideal (and very necessary) complement to a PPC/SEM campaign. If you are a B2B marketer, they are handy for “selling” prospects on accepting your latest content offering and convincing them to take that next step in the often complicated buying process.
With landing pages, you can convert potential customer from shoppers to buyers. One of the main benefits of landing pages is that they let you reduce or even eliminate a lot of the sales-killing distractions so rampant in the online environment. They let you collect valuable information on potential customers, information you can use to help you make more sales.
In this blog, we've talked about using landing pages for PPC and E-Commerce sales. We've also discussed in detail about using landing pages to sell B2B prospects on registering for your latest content offering.
Today, we'll highlight some landing page uses you may be completely unaware of. And we'll touch on why you would want to use landing pages for these situations.
This Might Help You Get More Email Subscribers
Email is a proven online marketing tool that has helped build many business empires. If you are not leveraging its power to help boost your sales, please consider it.
If you are using it, here's a way you can gain more email list members: a lot of marketers attempt to gain new email subscribers through a lead capture form on their website homepage (Note – This is an improvement compared to some websites that have the email signup form buried on their contact page, if they have one at all!). Here's a way you'll find to be much more effective:
Collect new email subscribers with a dedicated landing page, a landing page whose sole purpose is to help you sign up new email list members. This can increase your email subscriptions by up to 50%! So how can you enjoy such stellar increases in conversion rates by having landing pages dedicated solely to email signups?
It's simple. Think about it: a website's homepage is typically not an environment well-suited for conversion. It's often filled with a lot of different information and distractions. Overwhelmed and distracted site visitors might very well see the email signup form on your website's homepage and pass right over it because of other elements competing for their attention.
Of course you want to test this with Google or another analytics program, but a much more effective way for you to win new email subscribers might be to have a simple but colorful call to action button with brief but benefit-rich copy on your homepage that takes those interested in finding out more about your email list to a dedicated landing page that has one purpose – to win you new email subscribers.
When you use this tactic, review your landing page thoroughly. Take a look at each individual element and ask yourself if it will enhance or decrease the likelihood of adding email list subscribers.
When we think of using landing pages in online marketing, we often think of PPC ads. That only begins to scratch the surface of how you can use landing pages in your online marketing...
A lot of businesses could seriously benefit from a smartly strategized mobile marketing campaign.
Wow! Let This Sink In...
We've talked about mobile marketing on this blog before. And we've discussed what may be the most amazing marketing statistic ever: studies show that over 99% of text messages are opened. Over 99%!!
Think about that for a moment. Do you think your business could benefit from a marketing message open rate of 99%? What if you were to include in your next marketing text message a link to a special mobile-optimized landing page?
If you sent the message to a fairly large list, and if you included some very powerful but brief, persuasive copy enticing the message recipient to open the link and check out your killer landing page, you could enjoy some very nice results!
If over 99% of text messages are opened, and if people pay close attention to what's happening on their smart phones (they do), doesn't it stand to reason that they would be predisposed to wanting to take a closer look at your landing page in the link you texted them?
Of course it does! Put together an eye-catching, persuasive landing page with an offer that's hard to resist and you may very well enjoy marketing results like you've never experienced before!
Landing pages can be very useful when you want to focus your reader's attention and persuade him to to take a specific, well-defined action. This action may not be for an E-Commerce sales transaction; it may not be for a B2B content marketing signup.
Here's a unique way you could use landing page software – as your website's contact page. Instead of just offering your contact information, why not sell the website visitor on picking up the phone or filling out the contact form to get in touch with you?
Why not have a “Contact call to action?” If you are a consultant or independent service provider, you need potential clients contacting you. Why not take persuasive steps using proven landing page technology to get them to.
Why not place your contact form and contact call to action on a specially designed landing page that's free of the conversion-killing distractions that plague so many websites?
If your company is trying to win at the competitive game of online marketing, landing pages can be very helpful in your quest for success.
A Boost For Your Career?
Maybe you've been out of college for several years and are trying to give your career a shot in the arm. Why not embrace digital technology to help you highlight your skills and accomplishments?
Let's say you are just out of school and are trying really hard to land your first post-graduation job. In today's hyper-competitive job market, you need to stand out in a big, bold way from the hordes of job seekers trying to take that job opportunity away from you.
This article gives you simple, actionable steps you can take starting today to use landing pages to build your personal brand.
Here's an idea: if you are a new college graduate entering the job market, or if you are a few years or more into your career, why not use an eye-grabbing landing page with brief, to-the-point copy to give potential employers a synopsis of yourself and your career?
Although it's usually not a good idea to include links that take visitors away from your landing page, make an exception to this rule here; put a link to your blog on your personal branding landing page.
Here's a useful side note for college graduates just entering the job market and those with more career experience: if you don't have a blog, start one. An authoritative blog loaded with useful, information-rich articles you've written can do wonders for your career; if you are fresh out of college, it can make you look very impressive indeed to potential employers. It can help you stand out big time from other recent college graduates who only have degrees and resumes.
Something You Need To Remember
Even if you are using landing pages for a purpose other than B2B content marketing or E-Commerce, you will get the most “mileage” from a landing page when you use it to “sell” page visitors on taking action of some sort. Here, you need to use the same persuasion methods you would use if you were making an actual sales transaction.
Regardless of the purpose you are using it for, you need to keep your landing page as free of distractions as possible. You need to tell the page visitor how he will benefit if he chooses to do the thing you want him to do.
You need a strong, persuasive call to action with a very noticeable button for him to click. You need your graphics to enhance, not detract from your conversion efforts, and you need any images to be relevant to the mission of your page. Also, have captions for your images, captions that feature strong copywriting.
Remember that confusion kills conversions. Make it crystal clear what you want your reader to do. Don't hint at or make him guess what you want from him, tell him exactly!
Regardless of what purpose you are using your landing pages for, you want to enjoy the benefits that come from using the best of the best landing page software available. You do not want to deal with the hassle of taking the time and effort to learn a complicated programming language. Instead, you want a landing page platform that's extremely easy to set up and manage.
You want a landing page platform engineered to help you enjoy increased conversion rates. A landing page platform loaded with useful features:
- Advanced A/B testing capability
- Highly noticeable, distinctive call to action buttons
- Video support
- Built-in countdown timer
- Google Maps integration
You want a landing page platform like Lander. And wouldn't you love to be able to try it out for free with no obligation? Great news! You can!
Any questions? We're here to help you.
Happy Marketing!