Top 10 Best Articles on Lander in 2013
2013 is coming to an end and we wanted to take this opportunity to sum up the best 10 posts of our marketing blog. Check out the most read, shared and liked articles of this entire year! Don’t miss out on any of them because in just one post you’ll learn all about subjects such as Inbound Marketing, SEM, SEO, Buyer Personas, Landing Page Conversion Optimization, Mobile Marketing, Startups and more!
Our recommendation? Save this post! We say this because you’ll need to know this information to achieve all of your Marketing goals, including your Content Marketing Strategy, your conversion numbers and any of your PPC Adwords Campaigns.
Let’s see the top 10 now!
1. Search Engine Marketing for Small Businesses
This year we took on the huge task of tackling this important topic: Search Engine Marketing. This is why we decided early on to create a Search Engine Marketing Guide for Small Businesses. Don’t get left out of the loop! Find out in this post how you can get the most out of your PPC Campaigns.
2. Inbound Marketing 101: The End of Interruption Marketing
However, just one guide wasn't enough for us, which is also why we decided to show you how you can create a successful Inbound Marketing Strategy, using these principal Inbound Tools: Blogs, Social Media, Email Marketing and Landing Pages. Now you have no more excuses! This is the best way to convert your visitors into real customers!
3. Landing Page Experiments You Should be Doing Right Now
The way to a achieving the perfect landing page is not in the effort you invested in creating it – but actually in the time you invest in testing your landing pages. All the great marketers who are driving 10% or higher conversion rates got there because they tested the literal hell out of their landing pages. Find out in this post what you should be testing on your Landing Pages!
4. Lander Academy: The 4 Phases of the SEO Process
In our Lander Academy webinar back in July we had the the pleasure of listening to SEO expert Aleyda Solis. She explained to us the latest fundamentals and best practices regarding SEO. Aleyda’s a real specialist in the Search Engine Optimization field so if you missed out or wanted to read and catch up on the latest in SEO optimization, again this post is for you, so don’t miss it!
5. Customer Personas 101
This series highlighted the importance of developing and following accurate, detailed customer profiles. Learn how to persuade and convince the personality profiles of different buyers such as the Competitive, Spontaneous, Methodical and Humanistic Personas. Now you’ll be able to target your Landing Pages to the right audience and buyer personas like never before!
6. 5 Reasons to Use a Landing Page Instead of Your Homepage
If you’re wondering, or if you've heard why you should use a Landing Page instead of your website or your websites homepage, read on, because this is super important. We've got the answer for you in this post!
So...If you are:
Running a PPC campaign
Promoting a product, eBook, email subscription through social media and SEO
Advertising on radio, television and print
Writing guest posts on 3rd party blogs or magazines
You need to use a landing page instead of dumping visitors carelessly to your website and killing your conversions.
7. How to Design a Landing Page When You've Never Designed in Your Life
To increase your chances of success online, you’ll need to engage your visitors’ visual cortex, and not just their reading skills alone. Just as good headlines, copy, and calls-to-action are critical to conversion success, so is overall design. However, many of us don’t have access to good designers, or let alone can’t afford one right? Often times you’ll just have to take matters into your own hands and design your own landing pages.
That’s why here at Lander we decided to show you how to design a Landing Page even if you haven’t designed one ever! Don’t worry though, designing landing pages is simple, and this post will show you how!
8. 5 Questions to Ask Before Creating Your Startup
It’s now become evident that we all must become entrepreneurs and many of you are going to become consultants or even entrepreneurs before it’s all said and done. Also, some of you will ultimately decide to create your first startup business, either in the technology sector or in some other industry.
But, before you go charging full steam ahead, there are a few questions you’ll have to answer for yourself before you quit your job and put your family through the roller coaster ride of starting a new company. Take a look and see if you can answer these 5 basic questions before you launch out!
9. How to Create a Smart Mobile Marketing Strategy
Many marketers who try mobile marketing in the beginning do so haphazardly without applying any kind of sound strategy to their efforts. However, for those savvy marketers who do “get it” and learn how to design and execute smart mobile marketing strategies, mobile presents an enormous opportunity. This article will offer marketers like you some useful tips to help you get the highest return possible from your mobile marketing investments.
10. Why and How to Use Landing Pages for Personal Branding
We've been reading a lot of books lately that point out one inescapable reality that we just can’t avoid: We must manage our careers as if we were a business of one. This means when you’re trying to manage your career as if you are “Me, Inc.,” you’ll need a well thought out web presence to do this effectively. So we want to take this opportunity to introduce you to a very important tool for your career, our new landing page templates! Especially our template category entitled “Bio & Portfolio”.
Final Words
We've entered the final countdown for 2013 and we hope you've enjoyed our “top 10” list, and the rest of the articles we’ll be putting out this year. We have a lot of new content waiting in the wings for 2014, however, what we want to know is: Do you agree with our choices for top 10? Which other post or “posts” would you have added to our list? What are you expecting from Lander for 2014?
Please leave us your comments in the box below or here!
Happy Marketing and Happy Holidays!