The Importance of a Landing Page to the Product Development Process 

A new product is born from need. When an entrepreneur sees an issue in the market, they go out of their way to solve it. Turning that product into a reality is another story. In order to do this, they need a strong product software tool to start ideating and organizing their thoughts. 

Usually, at this point, the entrepreneur has already done step 1, which is to find the problem. 

Find the Problem

Your target audience for any product is people that have already tried available products and are not happy. You need to learn more about these people that have tried the available products and identified the drawbacks. Then using that feedback, create the product that will stand out amongst them. Instead of using a UX research method, you can now just sit back and dig through forums on Facebook, Instagram, or youtube to figure out the hang-ups. 

Identify your target audience

There are two approaches here: you can target a wide market or a niche market. Unless you have a coiffer of 100s of millions, it’s best to target a niche market as your competitors will be less likely to have the resources to absorb your product into their tech stack aptly. 

Identify the benefits of your idea

The one simple question you must ask yourself is: “what are the benefits of my product idea?”
Yes, you are creating a product to sell, but it’s more important to realize you’re creating a product that helps people/businesses in some tangible manner.
What does it do? Does it save time? Does it reduce stress? 

Build a product roadmap

Once you have done the steps above, now it’s time for you to use a product like Chisel to build out your product roadmap.  A product roadmap is an outline of your entire potential product including prioritization of what features to potentially build.
It’s important to note that your roadmap ought to be agile to ensure that you can pivot on a dime to meet market needs.


Test your product idea

Testing your product allows you to understand whether it has a chance in the market or if you have to polish it. The best way to test the product is to create an MVP, which is a small version of the product with basic features. This will allow you to gain insight from your first users, who are usually ruthless judges, to tinker with your newborn product. Feedback is just the first step, not the end, remember that. 

Market it well with a crafted landing page

One of the main reasons many new products don’t succeed isn’t due to a lack of features, but because of poor marketing. This is where the value of a strong product landing page. Ideally, you want your landing page to be more actionable than educational. Instead of teaching visitors something, you want to lead your audience to sign up / purchasing your product.  However, don’t be afraid to highlight multiple CTAs (calls to action). 

And lastly, these pages are crafted to sell products. If you want a lead generation page for initial sign-ups, this won’t apply.