The 10 Must-Read Blogs for Conversion Optimizers and Content Marketers
Continuing with our series of educational resources for internet marketers (view our last post on 10 eBooks Internet Marketers Must Read in 2013), we've put together a list of our 10 favorite blogs.
These are the blogs that share the latest research, thought leadership and best practices from some of today’s most respected marketers in landing page optimization, content marketing, search engine marketing and analytics.
Put these in your RSS reader and check them daily.
Here’s the list:
1. Marketing Experiments

One of the biggest dilemmas internet marketers face today is: “what actually works” vs. “the hype.” With millions of blogs about internet marketing, about 95% of what you read is garbage.
But Marketing Experiments leaves little doubt about their mission of truth. As they say on their home page: “MarketingExperiments is a research laboratory with a simple (but not easy) seven-word mission statement: To discover what really works in optimization.”
Every blog post is a mini case study about a real web optimization experiment.
2. Conversion Scientist

Brian Massey, The Conversion Scientist, also takes a scientific approach (was the name a dead giveaway?) to optimization. On his blog he shares articles written for Search Engineland, ClickZ, the Content Marketing Institute and his own blog.
We really like his style of writing. He uses chemistry terms as analogies to explain complex web conversion topics with simple to understand language.
3. Conversion XL

Peep Laja from Conversion XL never writes a blog post less than 1,000 words long. That’s because he literally gives away all his secrets in his blog posts (pay close attention). If you can’t conduct an A/B test or build a high converting landing page from on the advice on his blog, it’s because you haven’t made the time.
4. The Content Marketing Institute

The term “Content Marketing” has become the latest hype-filled term, overtaking “Social Media” as probably the most hyped-up concept in 2013.
But content marketing is a real, irreversible and powerful force, and the Content Marketing Institute (CMI) has got the keys to the kingdom.
5. Copyblogger

2nd in line after CMI is Copyblogger. With free online courses on “Content Marketing 101,” “Copywriting 101,” “SEO Copywriting” and “Email marketing 101,” Copyblogger is probably one of the best resources for freelancers and consultants who are hoping to master the digital channel.
6. Convince and Convert

Jay Baer of Convince and Convert has a different twist on Content Marketing. He talks about “Youtility Marketing,” which is also the title of his upcoming book of the same name. What is Youtility Marketing? It’s marketing by providing real value to your target customers before they spend a penny with you. Read Convince and Convert to learn more about YouTility marketing.
7. Kissmetrics Blog

The Kissmetrics blog is one those corporate blogs that represents content marketing done right. Kissmetrics sells a solid online analytics product, and their blog provides valuable advice to their target market (an example of Youtility Marketing). Each one of their blog posts provides practical advice on conversion, internet marketing and how to grow your startup company.
8. Social Media Examiner

No internet marketing reading list would be complete without something related to Social Media. However, Social Media Examiner is more than just a blog about social media. Started by Michael Stelzner, who originally rose to prominence after writing the book “Writing White Papers and launching his blog of the same name, Social Media Examiner provides advice on social media marketing, content marketing, and how it all works together.
9. Moz Blog

Your internet marketing list wouldn't be complete without a blog about SEO, courtesy of the SEO heavy-weight champion Moz.
10. Lander Blog

Finally we had to mention our own blog. From our Search Engine Marketing series, to our Lander Academy, webinars hosted by prominent internet marketers, we’re trying to distill the latest and greatest for those of you who are starting out and those of you who are veterans in the internet marketing field.
Honorable Mentions
Here are some of our other favorite blogs, and though they didn't end up in our top ten, you’d be shooting yourself in the foot if you ignored them:
- SEOBook is another great SEO resource, and many argue it’s the SEO heavy weight champion.
- TopRank blog is a content marketing blog that consistently publishes valuable actionable content.
- Six Pixels of Separation, by Canadian internet marketer Mitch Joel and author of the book by the same name, provides content that goes beyond just internet marketing advice. Joel provides a sort of crystal ball into the future on topics as varied as business, marketing and life.
- A List Apart is the online magazine “For People Who Make Websites,” as their title tag states. It’s a fairly geeky website, with a focus on web design and web programming, but there is solid content for internet marketers here as well
- Social Media Today publishes thoughtful articles by some of the biggest names in social media on strategies, tactics and industry specific knowledge for social media professionals looking for practical information in various fields.
If you think there are some important blogs or online magazines we've left out, please tell us in the comments section below. Look forward to hearing from you!