CRO Conversion Rate Optimization

Technology is Changing How We Treat Conversion Rate Optimization and Here’s How You Can Benefit From it

Well, we have no choice but to be creative with how we market content, in order to survive the  ever-increasing competition on the web - to eventually drive conversions.

In fact, conversion optimization is a must.

According to a venturebeat service report:

Only 2 out of 36 companies failed to generate substantial ROI with conversion optimization. And only 5% of the 2,938 marketers surveyed were not able to generate ROI with conversion optimization.173 of the marketers surveyed were able to achieve ROI of over 1,000%.

It is easier said than done.


Websites don’t have a massive traffic problem; but have  conversion problems. According to the ‘The Daily Egg’:

Conversion rates typically range from a mere 1% to 3%.

Companies spend $92 to acquire customers but only $1 to convert them.

Only 22% of businesses are satisfied with their conversion rates.

85% of marketers plan to focus more on conversion rate optimization this year.

Well, you don’t have to let the stats scare you.

You want to ensure that you stand out from the crowd and help you score a higher conversion rate?

Embrace the technology trends of tomorrow to stay ahead in the game. Deliver maximum value and minimize the impact of the ever-changing and demanding market:

In-App Testing

With mobile browsing at its peak in popularity, many businesses are rushing to capitalize on it - by developing personalized and task-oriented apps in order to tap into the app-driven future of the business world. A lot of businesses, continuously run in-app tests and push different interface options to increase their conversion rate manifold.

Example: Nitro-the popular PDF creating, editing, and sharing software platform increased its daily conversions by 88%.

Still not convinced?

In one of the reports by the Crazy egg,

Mobile apps account for 52% of all time spent on online digital media.People spend 89% of mobile time using apps.

42% of all mobile sales generated by the leading 500 merchants come from mobile apps.

However, you’re constantly faced with the challenge of getting lost in the overpopulated world of apps, work your quirk by changing CTA buttons, background,and color theme.

This helps you get qualitative insights to understand what your customers like and dislike,the features they use the most. Now you can plan, and test features that will have the biggest impact.

It doesn't matter which testing platform you use. But…

Ensure that the content and design comes together in a way that makes your customers and prospects want to know more about your brand and then decide to stay.

Marketing Automation

It was all a big hit when the Fortune 500 companies embraced Marketing Automation.  Google searches for the term “marketing automation” increased by 22%, from an average of 12,100 in February 2014 to 14,800 in January 2015.

Today, marketers just blindly count on marketing automation to drive traffic to their websites, convert traffic into leads, close those leads into customers; because it works. If you have observed, 79% of all the companies that have been been using marketing automation for the past two or more years, have come into the list of top performing ones.

Marketing automation can get daunting, as a process. So, before you start using any marketing automation software, consider the below:

Revisit and Define the goals clearly. What are you are looking to accomplish with it? Have you set a budget for accomplishing your goals?

Once you’ve identified your goals,  pick an apt marketing automation software solution to best suit your budget and requirement

Consider - ease of use, support, and pricing, and a platform to automate repetitive tasks and reduce human error. It must manage the complexity, and measure and optimize your efforts.


Use it to  start with micro-campaigns – small campaigns targeting your prospects and customers. Put out creative, valuable, educative content and information. This will make your customers want to know more about your brand and look for products and services that you offer.

Cross-Platform Testing

With the help of mobile, smartphone, tablets, and laptops, it’s is getting easier to see why cross-platform testing has now become more popular than ever. Cross-platform testing, like Marketing Automation is here to stay! It is the process of testing the suitability of your content, design, and other elements across various platforms.

A lot of time, effort, and money is put to increase online performance. Apart from increasing your online presence, you also need to attract the interest and compel enough number of audiences to keep it going.

Ensure that you test your online presence across different platforms and devices - so that you can deliver tested UI/UX without having to differentiate between web and mobile.

Use it in ways discussed below to explore the complete potential of cross-platform:

Learn about your target audience - Understand user behavior/ patterns, to help you decide which devices/platforms you will need to make your app/website available on. Understand how to maneuver core functionalities and features for different platforms, learn the platforms that you are working on by conducting cross-platform testing.

Testing your app/site frequently is extremely crucial. It will help you build each element resolutely and reduce the chance that you will find errors at later or critical stages.

Provide a smooth and enjoyable user experience by using UX uniformity

Consistency is a crucial characteristics of a well-designed UX-  users must be able to recognize UI elements and predict their interactions across web or mobile. When the first cross-platform apps appeared on the market they lacked this uniformity in UX, but this isn't the case with the modern cross-platform development tools. They allow developers and designers to create the uniform user experience that app users appreciate.

Get a hold on an easier marketing with greater reach

Mobile apps are a tool for promotion and a sales channel too. If you are a business owner, cross-platform apps are more useful for  because they provide a wider reach. By creating one application, you can tap into both iOS and Android target audience markets at the same time.

You'll also want to take things slow so you can track the results.

Learning to use the technology helps optimize your conversion rates. The more conversions you make, the better it is for your business.