Beginners Guide: Social Media Marketing Certification
These days businesses, celebrities and even pets have their own Facebook pages. E-Marketer recently projected that 63.2% of internet users will visit a social network this year.
Given all of this social media activity, it’s no wonder that more and more people feel the need to embrace and learn more about the technology.
Noticing the growing need, numerous social media courses have popped up online (and offline) promising to make you a social media guru.
What Do The Social Media Courses Cover?
Social media course content will vary program to program. Each course will cover the same main principles of using the social media to promote and market your brand/company.
Some people are so overwhelmed by all of the options available to them; they can’t even begin to develop a strategy or plan of attack. That’s where these online social media courses come into play.
These offer you the chance to learn as much (or as little) as you like. Classes can cover anything, from a broad overview of social media itself, to tips and tricks on growing your online community.
Who Should Enroll For Social Media Marketing Certification
From the stay-at-home mom looking for tips on how to grow her online presence, to the marketing professional looking to develop the next great online campaign.
Most programs offer something for everyone; you just have to find the one that works best for you, your goals and needs.
It’s likely that some aspect of your life will be affected by social media, so the courses honestly work best for anyone who simply wants to learn more.
Choosing the Right Social Media Marketing Certification Program
It is your responsibility to not be fooled by them! Exercise due diligence and proceed with caution as you navigate the numerous program offers.
Be wary of any offer you see that’s too good to be true. Before signing up for anything, it’s smart to ask some or all of the following questions.
• Is the program offered by an accredited institution of higher learning?
• How long is the program and what does it cost?
• Do all participants who pay the course fee receive certification?
• Is it considered to be a selective admission program? If so, what are the admission requirements?
• Does the university confer transferable college credit upon completion of the program?
These questions will just give you a better idea of what you’re getting yourself into and will keep you from making any poor decisions.
Online activity and interaction is advancing at a rather rapid rate, so gaining a better understanding of the digital landscape couldn’t hurt, just do so wisely.
Why Get Social Media Marketing Certification Program ?
This isn’t the first time that digital certifications have been unveiled for use. The fact is there are a lot of social media marketing certifications, along with some content marketing certifications.
A lot of them have completely failed because they have been unveiled as flops. Digital Marketer is determined to overcome many of the barriers to online certifications, including:
It’s well-known that a certification is only ever as good as the people teaching the classes. It’s no use employing anyone to read a textbook or a blog post they downloaded from an expert. Digital Marketer uses real experts with real world experience.
Practical Knowledge
Another of the main problems experienced by certifications is the same issue as those experienced by college degrees.
The knowledge available isn’t practical enough to be worthwhile. Many businesses are left frustrated by how much their new hires actually know about their industry.
Finally, a qualification is only worth as much as employers want to see it. You can say your qualification is the most valuable in the world, but unless others subscribe to that view it isn’t worth anything.
To put it brutally, a certification itself is just a piece of paper. Its value is in what other people think about it.
Digital Marketer seeks to overcome all these barriers by teaching real, practical knowledge alongside experts.
This reputation will eventually make it more accepted among employers, including those who prefer more traditional education options.