Landing Page Designer

SEO and Landing Pages: Why it Matters for Ecommerce

All businesses and online retailers have just a few goals in mind: to generate profits where possible and drive traffic to their page.

Yet how can pages and small businesses do this without seeming needy, greedy or seedy in their search engine practices? This is where SEO comes in.

SEO, or search engine optimization, is the practice of using various tactics such as keywording and keyphrasing to turn Google into your best friend.

Search engines pick up the keywords and phrases and use that data to bring landing sites to the front of search result pages. Why does SEO matter for landing pages? How can you make sure your landing page is making the most of its SEO?

Here are the top five reasons why every landing page and mobile landing page deserves award-winning SEO tactics.

1. It Gets You Noticed

SEO is known as the "science of being found." According to Search Engine Land, using tactics such as compelling headlines, well-written descriptions, keyword-focused photo captions and topically relevant content, a site can go from unnoticed to top-of-the-line.

Getting your page noticed at the top of search results means you have a higher change to turn leads into conversions. This also acts as an opportunity to analyze your consumer base and which words and phrases they respond to.

2. It Hits Consumers During the Research stage

According to Search Engine Land, using proper SEO doesn't just get your product noticed: it gets your consumer interested.

During the research phase of the consumer shopping cycle, a customer is curious to know more about your product. They want to see how well your company performs, what people are saying and if your brand is really as cool as you make it out to be.

Using great SEO tactics helps high converting landing pages because regardless of the keyword, a consumer is more likely to find your page.

Simply put, the more they know about you, the more they'll consider buying.

3. It Can be Cost Effective

SEO is not considered an integral part of the content marketing mix. If you're crafty enough, you can get great SEO for the right price. For example, Google AdWords is a free service that helps landing pages get noticed.

If you are knowledgeable in the field of SEO and know which words your consumers search most often, you can create customized campaigns on your own using the AdWords service.

If you need a helping hand, there are landing page optimization services available that will coach you and your brand through the best and most ethical SEO practices available.

4. It Multiplies Your Impact

Back in the day, SEO used to be only about singular keywords and keyword overloading a page to show up on Google. Today, SEO focuses on longer phrases and smarter keywords that help users find what they want, according to Kissmetrics.

These old-school and new-cool methods combine to double your marketing impact as a landing page. For example, an ecommerce website may sell custom-embroidered bath towels.

A long-form search term could be "Where to buy personalized bath towels" while a short-form search term could include "monogrammed towels."

5. It Just Works

Landing pages that use strong SEO tactics are more likely to get noticed, turn leads into conversions and make lasting connections with consumers.

When a brand gets noticed, it is more likely to make the front page of search engine result pages. You will know when your brand succeeds at SEO by checking to see if you are within the first three pages of Google Search results.