How to Match Your Landing Pages With Your Goals

How to Match Your Landing Pages With Your Goals

Last Thursday April 28th we had the honor of being invited to a Webinar from friends at Socedo. In case you missed I want to share with you some of the most important points that I talked about in the Webinar.

Also you'll find my slides so you will be able to take them a look, and maybe the most important part, you'll find the recorded version of the Webinar.

So I invite you to watch it and learn more about your landing pages and your offer.

1. How to Create Your Offer?

Your offer represents that “moment of truth” when you try and persuade your online prospect to make a decision to buy now. It’s where you state your case and make a compelling argument as to why he would want to say yes - to part with his money in exchange for what you have for him.

Remember that your offer needs to state your case, so to speak. It needs to summarize and encapsulate your marketing message. It represents the moment where your reader either says yes or no.

Obviously we want him to say yes. So it’s important that you not present your offer too soon.

2. How to Identify Your Audience?

Your offer you should be very well related with the audience you’re targeting to. And to identify them, there are simple questions you can ask yourself to discover them and create the perfect offer.

  • Who Makes up Your Current Following?
  • What Makes Your Product or Service Unique?
  • How Can You Redefine Your Focus?
  • How Will You Sell Your Product?
  • How Will Your Product Fit Into Your Target's Lifestyle?

3.  Many Offers = Different Landing Pages

I spent several time explaining how to design and create a Landing Page depending on the different kind of offers that your business may have. These are all the different offer or goals that I showed:

  • Ebook Landing Page
  • Webinar Landing Page
  • Coming Soon Landing Page
  • Click Through Landing Page
  • Portfolio Landing Page
  • E-Commerce Landing Page
  • Free Trial Landing Pages

Slides Presentation

Recorded Version of the Webinar

Click on the following image and you'll be redirected to the recorded version of the Webinar. I hope you enjoy it!

How to Match Your Landing Pages With Your GoalsPlease let me know in the comment section what other topics would you like to see in a future!