Lead Nurturing Inbound Marketing

7 Lead Nurturing Inbound Marketing Tactics To Boost ROI

Lead nurturing inbound marketing has its driving defined principles used in daily business activities. Example of one of this principle is that individuals do not buy until there is a dire need for that specific product or service.

This is very true, looking into our own lives at home, school or at work, most of the things are purchased when we have a desperate need or have a use for them.

Lead nurturing inbound marketing aims at growing with the customer, from the point he doesn’t have a use for a product or service to the point when he or she wants to buy.

This ensures that the customer knows the business very well hence it is much easier converting such a potential to a customer.

The challenge with this strategy is creating an effective and efficient program which turns potential clients into customers quickly and with a lot of ease.

In this article we are going to discuss a few proven practices for lead nurturing inbound marketing:

Strategy Before Tactics


It requires an in-depth thinking of content strategy and your business model before you start lead nurturing.

As a business owner, you should plan the outcome of the prospect. If you don’t have a detailed lead nurturing strategy for your overall marketing strategy, you are going to have unpleasant results.

It is advisable to think through the main points that your prospects are experiencing.

You should have a mental picture of the entire strategy, from time prospects hear about your business, visit your website, to activities that take place when they download your content. What you present and deliver to them should be strategic.

Resist the Urge to Sell


The urge to sell to a prospect should be resisted in lead nurturing because it might end up having a negative effect on the client’s future purchases.

The moment you request an appointment, offer a discount, or push actions that might suggest sales can lead to failure.

It is hard for most marketers to do this because the end game is to increase sales. Take a step back, consider that the customer would purchase even more when he/she is in a desperate moment, you should continue with the journey.

This creates an amazing journey for your potential client without being pushed, which is satisfying.

Continuously Improve Based On Data


Lead nurturing can be tracked because it is a data-driven and metric-based marketing process. You get to vet which of your processes increases sales and which ones are slugging.

Since this form of marketing is scientific, a marketer would see the process from a different perspective.

Data obtained from this process can be used to improve the process in the long run. Mistakes are inevitable, so don’t be scared to make them but learn from them and come up with even superior ideas.

Keep It Under Control


One of the challenges with lead nurturing inbound marketing is that once you launch different campaigns for different content and every prospective client’s transaction, you end up having a lot of campaigns.

This can get out of control in a blink of an eye- data might get mixed up and you would not know which goes where.

It is easier when you keep it simple; reusing emails can be an advantage and can save you the hustle as long as the account holder is the same and purchasing procedure matches up.

Deleting or storing old and underperforming emails in favor of new ones might increase your performance.

This method is mostly forgotten because companies are focused on what amount of individuals can be converted to buyers today to increase revenues today.

They don’t understand that lead nurturing, walks with potential clients and creates close relationships with customers for the future, which will become buyers and increase revenue at such time and it shouldn’t be underestimated. These are 7 amazing effective lead nurturing inbound marketing tactics

Lead nurturing Inbound Marketing #1:  Target Content


Lead Nurturing Inbound Marketing


It has been proven that targeted content with leads nurturing produces an increase in sales.

We all know one model of leads nurturing won’t work in all cases, however, if modified to suit specific business, results improve on inbound marketing strategies.

Marketers are struggling with targeting lead nurturing; it might be a simple process in an overview but there are important points you have to understand to use target content for lead nurturing.

First, you have to understand all your buyers and take into account that each has a distinctive need from the other.

You then need to create several targeted contents designed to nurture each individual based on individual preference and want.

Finally, you have to identify an automated platform for analyzing buyers for an effective inbound marketing strategy.

Lead nurturing Inbound Marketing #2:  Multichannel Lead Nurturing


In the past years, marketers only relied on a single channel for example, an email drip campaign.

This became ineffective in that a few emails were opened which has a negative effect because leads don’t turn into buying customers.

Currently, marketers have dug deeper in search of new and competitive lead nurturing inbound marketing tactics and technologies, not only email.

Marketers are currently able to operate multi-channel lead nurturing strategies with the help of automated platforms.

This may include social media, email marketing, dynamic websites, and sales outreach. All this has to be well aligned and integrated to suit the firm’s needs.

Lead nurturing Inbound Marketing #3:  Multiple Touches


It is said that a prospective customer receives an average of 10 touches from the time they visit the channel and finally become a won customer.

For a lead nurturing strategy to be successful, it has to produce content that is useful to prospective customers.

Lead nurturing Inbound Marketing #4:   Timely Follow-up


We all know that the chances for a lead becoming a customer are very slim and this is where the need for a follow-up is crucial.

Most businesses tend to ignore this and end up not following up in good time. The fact that these channels are automated makes the follow-up time is quite slow and lead inbound converts who qualify for sales opportunities are hindered.

If businesses work on responding, a well-researched feedback to inbound leads is far effective than calling with vague information.

Since a marketer has access to the vast information about the visitor, they should use this to offer what the prospective customer wants.

Lead nurturing Inbound Marketing #5:  Personalized Email


Lead Nurturing Inbound Marketing


Email marketing is considered the most effective tactic for lead nurturing. It produces a higher result in revenue than none personalized emails.

Individual behaviors triggers combined with personalization can deliver the right information to the right people at the right time.

Lead nurturing Inbound Marketing #6:  Lead Scoring


Marketers keep records based on content and engagement, as the most effective tactic for revenue contribution from lead nurturing.

There is a method to rank prospective customers against a scale of value that each is considered to hold. The scores are used to further nurture the customers into a suitable clientele.

  1. Lead nurturing Inbound Marketing #7: Sales and Marketing Alignment

This involves organizing sales and marketing into a lead nurturing effort. To ensure that they both work for lead nurturing, you will need to identify prospective customers.

When creating a lead nurturing strategy, think about how you can trigger lead scoring, preview pages, workflow, enrolment, conversion events or sales, and contacts.