Landing Page vs Homepage

Landing Page vs HomePage [Infographic]

We hear all the time that people say when they're launching an online marketing campaign:

“Why should I use a Landing Page instead of my Homepage?”

Well the answers is simple, when you’re launching a marketing campaign such as PPC Ads, Social Media Ads, Email Marketing campaigns or promoting an event, webinar, new product or ebook, you’re looking for a specific goal.

And be assure that your website won’t be the best option to achieve those goals.

Why you may ask? Because your homepage was not designed with only one unique goal in mind, and if you want to get some results from your campaigns and maximize their ROI you’ll need a specific page that it’s been designed with conversion in mind.

A conversion means making your visitor take the action you want them to take:

  • Subscribe
  • Download something
  • Buy
  • View a video
  • Share

That’s why next time you ask yourself:  "Landing Page vs homepage, which wins?” you’ll know that the answer is simple:

Because Landing Pages convert, and that means selling more, getting more leads, earning more money.

Your Landing Page may be your only chance to reel in a visitor and convince them that your offer is worth their time and attention.

But if this wasn’t enough for you to be convinced, here are more reasons to start using Landing Pages. We’ve made this great Infographic that will show you why a focused page will be more effective than your website.   

Discover who is will be the winner: Landing Page vs Homepage:

1. Conversion Is What Matters!

Do you want to focus your visitor’s attention exclusively on an specific action that you want them to take? Use a landing page.

Landing Pages let you narrow your focus and remove the clutter that could distract your visitor from taking the action you want them to take.

With a Landing Page your visitors can get specific details about your offer, either through your body copy or through a video you've placed that explains the offer. And then you can direct them to a call to action that complete the user’s interaction. Your home page can’t do that.

In your website, users have probably hundreds of possible paths to take, and that just create distraction and frustration for people coming with one specific goal in mind.

Kiss your potential customers goodbye!

2. Achieve The Maximum Effectiveness

Your website was probably created after negotiating with various departments within your company so conducting an A/B split test will disturb the status quo.

That’s why sometimes it can be really hard to try new ideas on your homepage, and in the case you get the approval to do it, it could take a long time to implement those new changes.

Well, with a Landing Page you’ll be able to present 2 or 3 different versions, in just minutes. So it’s the perfect scenario to put in practice those ideas you may have.

And thanks to A/B Testing you can evaluate those different versions of your landing pages and find out which one converts at a higher rate.

Once you’ve found the winner variation you can conduct additional experiments to test new versions and see if you can increase conversions even more.

And that’s impossible with your Homepage.

3. Landing Page vs Homepage: Distractions Go Out!

In your landing page you can remove anything unnecessary, allowing you to focus the visitors’ attention on what really matters: the action you want them to take.

With a Landing Page you’ll be able to remove the sidebar elements, the navigation bar, teasers, or anything unnecessary to your conversion goals.

You need to think each one of those links that are not you goal as a leak.

Each link on your Landing Page that doesn’t represent your conversion goal is a distraction that can get your message confuse and can crush your conversion rate.

Imagine the following situation for a second:

You were looking for some information about “how to travel without money” and after visiting a few sites you see a banner ad that promises that ebook. Once you click on the banner and get to the page you realize that even though that site talks about travels and tourism, you can’t find the ebook you were looking for.

Instead, you see different offers, special discounts on plane tickets and some related articles but not that ebook you were promised to get.

Maybe that site had the ebook they were promoting, but they just had it in in the middle of their noisy website. Of course once you get there and couldn’t find the ebook you press the back button and puff...the conversion is gone.

Well if that site had a specific Landing Page promoting an eBook, they would have won a new lead that eventually could convert into a new customer.

That why’s distractions must go away!

4. One Ad = One Landing Page

If you are running a PPC ad you’ll often target different keywords, messages and products. This is why you’ll need different versions of landing pages to match each ad.

And guess what? You can’t create different versions of your all...can’t do it.

When people see an Ad that matches with what they’re looking for, they need to get to a Landing Page that also fulfills that promise.

That means that you should create different landing pages that matches with each one of your ads. That’s of course if you’re interested in getting some results with your PPC campaign.

Matching your Ad with your Landing Page headline is also really important because, when visitors get to your Landing Page they’re expecting to land in the place they were supposed to go. They need to feel safe and secure that they’re in the right place.

Once they realize they are where they wanted to be, it’s important that your Headline gives some directions. Tell the users where to go, what to do, and how to do it.

Did you know? Ad-specific landing pages outperform generic pages by increasing lead form submissions by 115%. 

Source: Quicksprout

You can create different versions of your landing page to match each ad, but you can’t create different versions of your home page.

Another big point to Landing Pages!

5. Customized Landing Pages For Organic Search

Want to target specific keywords for an SEO campaign? Create unique landing pages for each one and make sure to include them in the following:

  • URL
  • Title
  • Meta description
  • Body of the landing page

Your website’s home page contains too many competing keywords. This waters down the effect of each keyword, and makes your home page a terrible place to rank for the various keywords you've identified as part of your marketing strategy.

And the Winner is... Landing Page!

Now you know,  you should at least give it a try to Landing Pages. It's very important to have a good homepage, but for some marketing actions is simply not enough. Landing Pages are crucial when we talk about specific goals. Time for you to start building your own Landing Page!

Landing Page vs Homepage

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