Inspirational Quotes From Very Successful Marketers
“If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants.” – Isaac Newton
Here’s something you and I can both agree on: marketing is hard! Whether you are an “old pro” who has enjoyed a long string of marketing successes, or you are a marketing newbie trying to gain a foothold in the land of profit, you have lots of challenges and roadblocks.
But, the situation isn’t all doom and gloom; here’s some good news – we don’t have to figure it all out by ourselves. We can learn valuable lessons from successful marketers.
And, whether we are on fire and feeling on top of the world, or we are down and discouraged because we have been hit by one setback after another, we can draw inspiration and motivation from the giants in the marketing world.
Inspiration To Persevere
You’re not alone. If you are new to the world of online marketing, or you are a veteran needing a motivational shot in the arm, take comfort in this: every world-class, legendary marketer was new to his or her business at one time. They all had struggles.
Even the most advanced online marketers face obstacles and setbacks. But they've learned to persevere through them. They've succeeded and so can we, even if our outlook at the moment is bleak.
We can gain inspiration from them, from their example and from quotes they've coined and shared. Here’s an example of an inspirational quote from Tim Cook, CEO of Apple, one of the most successful marketing companies in history:
“You can focus on things that are barriers or you can focus on scaling the wall or redefining the problem”.
This inspirational quote applies to online marketing success and much of life as well.
Inspiration For Successful Marketing Ideas
The Internet is full of inspirational quotes and wisdom from successful marketers, both past and present.
Let’s remember that there’s plenty we can learn from marketing legends of the past, not just in terms of inspiration to persevere, but in terms of practical advice that can help us become more successful day-to-day and in the long run.
On this blog, we've often discussed the stellar career of David Ogilvy, often referred to as the “Father of Advertising”. Even though he died in 1999 and enjoyed his career heyday many years before then, there are lots of useful lessons online marketers like you and I can learn from him.
For example, in this video, obviously made way before the Internet marketing era, he drives home the point that advertising has to sell.
It’s the same way with us. Our marketing has to drive the sales process forward. In the e-commerce world, it has to lead to sales now. In the B2B realm, we need to drive the prospect forward through the funnel with content marketing pieces like white papers and webinars.
We need to constantly be thinking up and implementing ideas to drive sales. Creativity is paramount for online (and offline) marketing success. Here again Ogilvy can help us:
“The best ideas come as jokes. Make your thinking as funny as possible”.
It’s easy to think of the creative brainstorming process as being dull and laborious. It doesn't have to be! Take David Ogilvy’s advice and make it fun and interesting.
Here’s more inspired advice to consider, this time from Dan Kennedy, one of the world’s wealthiest, most successful and most respected direct response marketers:
"People buy more and buy more happily when in good humor".
Remember this as you read the following quote from Jerry Seinfeld,
“ People have an infinite attention span if you are entertaining them”.
I’ll be using both to make an important point in a moment.
Jerry Seinfeld isn't a marketer, per se, but his quote offers some big-time practical inspiration for marketers like you and me. Think about it. When you are marketing to someone, you have to gain and keep his attention. Most marketers, most of the time, fail here.
One of the frequent reasons is their content is dull and boring.
Who says content and copywriting have to be this way? Why not add some entertainment value to your marketing messages? Doing so just might help you rivet your audience’s attention on what you are saying to them.
And if they are enjoying your blog or your video, you can harness the power in the previous quote from Dan Kennedy. They’ll be in a better mood and more likely to buy from you.
Drawing inspiration from marketing legends both to persevere and for great ideas to give your marketing more punch can indeed help you “stand on the shoulders of giants”. And here’s another way you can do the same thing.
As online marketers, it’s important that you and I invest in our ongoing education. Many of the greatest marketers of all time can help us out here, because many of them have written books packed with valuable marketing advice that, properly applied, can help your online campaign results skyrocket!
There’s no getting around the fact that this will take some work on your part; it can be an education worth a lot of money to you, and it won’t necessarily cost you much money. In some cases, it won’t cost you at all. More on that in a minute.
Recommended Reading
Here are some marketing-related books I recommend:
- Scientific Advertising, Claude Hopkins
- The Robert Collier Letter Book, Robert Collier
- No BS Direct Marketing, Dan Kennedy
- Purple Cow, Seth Godin
- Influence: The Psychology Of Persuasion, Robert Cialdini
You can purchase these books inexpensively. But how about some free resources to help you grow your marketing knowledge and ability to gain a higher income?
One of the very best free resources I know of is Copyblogger. It’s loaded with free, valuable resources on copywriting, blogging, email marketing and Internet and content marketing in general.
Another place to get solid, free online marketing advice is Social Triggers, a great blog run by Derek Halpern. On it, Derek reveals to you proven, simple-to-use strategies for ratcheting up your conversion rate.
And of course, you didn't think I’d forget to mention this blog, did you? We at Lander are proud to offer you a free “content library” loaded with articles that give you valuable insight on a myriad of marketing-related subjects.
The Bottom Line
So why put all of this emphasis on drawing inspiration and learning from marketing legends? Remember the title of David Ogilvy’s video we linked to earlier.
“We Sell Or Else”.
We put such emphasis on getting inspired by the legends of marketing and educating ourselves on their wisdom, because we want to sell more. We don’t just “want” to sell, we “have” to sell. We want our online marketing efforts to be profitable. We want to enjoy a crazy high conversion rate!
Inspirational quotes and wisdom from very successful marketers can help us. We also need the right online marketing “machinery”. And no part of that machinery is any more important than our landing pages.
We want them to be “decked out” with persuasive copywriting, compelling images and clean, simple, conversion-friendly design.
But please remember that not all landing page platforms are created equal. You want the built-in advantage that comes from one engineered to help you enjoy a higher conversion rate.
You want Lander, the cutting-edge landing page program that attracts 2,000 new users per month.
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And on and on and on…
To tell you about all of the wonderful features and juicy benefits Lander offers you would take up many pages.
But here’s the “feature” you just might like the most: you can try any of Lander’s reasonably-priced plans free of charge for up to 30 days with no credit card required.
Happy Marketing!