Anatomy of a Good Squeeze Page That Converts
You may have heard of a squeeze page before, and how it is a good online marketing strategy. So what exactly is a good squeeze page? Well, you have probably seen one before, unless you live under a rock.
I’m talking about those advertisements that appear when you’re researching something, on websites and social media sites; Not any kind of adverts though but specifically the ones that ask you to sign up with your email address. Those are squeeze pages.
They typically collect your visitors’ email addresses in return for an offer made to them, a sort of incentive to have them sign up.
You can then use the information collected for future online marketing. You may advertise your products or services through bulk email, and pass information in this way.
For a successful squeeze page, the design plays a big role, as it is what will attract them at first glance, and lead to more conversions. So how do you create a good squeeze page design?
What Makes a Good Squeeze Page?
A good squeeze page is determined by its simplicity and effectiveness. Effective squeeze pages have conversion rates of above 10%.
Anything between 50-60% is a very good squeeze page. The conversion rate is measured by dividing the total number of visitors on your page by the number of visitors who actually sign up.
Conversion rates can be measured by using the Google Analytics tool. Simplicity refers to the contents of the squeeze page as well as how the page is structured.
A good squeeze page should be as clear as possible; having a precise message that says exactly what is being offered. Confusion is your enemy here; it will lead to visitors leaving your page.
One other thing to consider is the target market; ensuring that your visitors are targeted for the product or service you offer.
This will also lead to better conversion rates. Thus if your visitors expect a certain product, they should find exactly that and no other products different from what they expected to find.
Components of A Good Squeeze Page
A good squeeze page has several components below and above the fold. Above the fold refers to the information visible on a squeeze page without one scrolling down.
The information found once you scroll is below the fold. A good squeeze page with high conversion rate depends on how the components are delivered. These components include:
The Headline

The headline is what gives the visitors the purpose of the squeeze page. It should be able to convince the visitor to remain on the page.
The source of traffic should be taken into account when coming up with a headline. For instance, if the visitors are from Facebook or a paid advert on a search engine, whatever the source, the headline should be constructed to target that specific source.
Make your headline short and interesting, and ensure it is moving, so as to capture emotions of your visitors.
Do not go overboard, the headline should be simple enough for clarity and precision in the message you put across.
It should be direct and not different from the product being offered so as not to confuse the potential clients. Be simple and creative enough.
To improve on headlines after the first time, measure how it performs using the A/B Split testing, and make changes where fit.
Expectations Offered
After the headlines, what follows is the information on what is being offered. The content here shows the visitors what they should expect from the page.
Your aim should be to be as simple as possible for easier understanding, and straight to the point.
Remember you have only a few minutes of the visitor’s time, possibly seconds and you need to convince them in the shortest way possible why they need to sign up.
The expectations may be presented in writing or as a short video. If you decide on the video, ensure that it is quick to load and specific, without any more unnecessary information.
For written form, you may have bullet points giving the information. Make it visible enough to avoid any sort of strain on the part of the visitor.
You can highlight the main words so that one who simply scrolls through gets the gist of the information immediately.
Image Use
Images are like a pot of gold for squeeze page marketers. The image may be what makes your visitors be attracted to the page in the first place.
For instance a beauty product with an image of a lady with smooth skin free of blemishes will attract visitors who admire the image and would like to know more of how to achieve such smoothness.
The image represents your product of service. It should be able to give the audience a feel of what to expect, thus requires accuracy. Your image should align with the headline and written content of the squeeze page.
Placement of the image matters a lot. The best position would be on the right side of the squeeze page and directly above the sign up form.
This gives the visitors an indirect kind of shove in the direction you want them to go which is to the sign up form.
With time you will get to know what your audience is most responsive to. They may be more responsive to images or videos or another component of the squeeze page. This gives you a sense of what to work on most.
Sign Up Form

This is the heart of a good squeeze page. It is why you need the squeeze page in the first place. All components point to this form, thus its location and structure matters a lot.
Place your sign form above the fold always and on the right hand of the screen. Psychology shows that humans tend to look on the right side first. Putting it on the right ensures that visitors do not miss it.
Avoid collecting too much information on the sign up form; a valid email address should suffice. More information would make it harder for the visitors to sign up, and you may lose them in the process. We don’t want that so keep it short and sweet.
You may consider recording their name so as to personalize any emails sent to them in future; this is not a must.
It depends solely on your preferred interactions with the potential clients.
There is also a call-to-action button on the form, which is usually labeled ‘submit’. You can improve this by placing a more informative text that shows the benefits of the sign-up.
Below The Fold
All other supporting information appears here. This may include testimonials, images, affiliations and any other information as you see fit. It includes extra information that the squeeze page can survive without.
Finally, remember to remove any irrelevant information. Less is more for a good squeeze page.
So avoid distractions such as links on the squeeze page. It should serve its purpose, which is to collect email addresses of potential clients and nothing else.
Learn over time, keeping in mind that different methods work for different firms. Find what works for you and stick to it.