Contest Landing Page

The Secret Behind An Enticing Sales Landing Page

Before you build a landing page, ask yourself three things:

  • 1. What is your goal?
    2. What are you up against?
    3. Who is your target audience?

If you can answer these questions in the simplest manner possible, you know you have to get a  magnetic sales landing page. Businesses with more landing pages generate seven times more leads than those with only a handful.

Ideally, you want a tailored landing page for each ad group, but that’s a pretty hefty operation, so start where you can.

Tip: Begin  with one custom landing page per campaign, and add from there for individual ad groups when resources allow.

he Secret Behind An Enticing Sales Landing Page

Read our guide to find out how to make captivating sales landing page

Get a landing page which is precise and clean

The sales Landing page should provide the correct amount of information. Too little information and the viewer will lose his interest. Too much of details can confuse the user. Provide essential information that will interest your audience and nothing more.

he Secret Behind An Enticing Sales Landing Page

Make your sales landing page easy to convert.

Suppose there are 2 distinct points A and B. The goal is to get your customer from A to B in the least number of steps possible, without any barriers in between. This strategy varies depending on what your desired conversion is.

If it’s any kind of form submission, make that form a piece of irresistible eye candy. If it’s downloads, make a button that is begging to be clicked.

Design a sales landing page that looks flawless

It’s pretty important to have a design for your page which answers almost all your questions without inspiring any new ones. The navigation techniques provided should be lucid, and no pop-ups should be included.

If it’s something that a user hates, it is a pop-up between him and the information. Refrain from doing so at any point of your architecture.

High quality and  inspiring content on your sales landing page

Overloading a user with information is not a good thing, but you shouldn’t compromise with your content. In fact, always provide rich and high rated content from trusted sources to win over the confidence of the user.

Have a clear call to action (CTA) button on your landing page

Although call to actions can be present in the headline text as well as the button text, it’s proven that CTA buttons receive 23% more attention than headlines. There should be no question as to what next steps are necessary – tell your visitors exactly what you want them to do in big, bold text.

he Secret Behind An Enticing Sales Landing Page

Use clickable share buttons on your sales landing page

We all know that the social space is a place where a dime can turn into gold. Adding share buttons increases your chances of getting your content shared across the social space.

This is because many people are more than happy to post about a recent purchase or share a resource they have found helpful. Doing so, they will indirectly promote your page within their own circle, bringing more attention to your Landing page.

If these particular tips don’t lead you into building a great looking and revealing sales Landing page, we don’t know what will. Make sure you are properly set up to track how your pages are performing. Otherwise, you’ll be spending money in the dark.