The Key Traits of a Memorably Emotional Advertising Campaigns
Emotional Advertising: Emotions can be used by advertisers as a catalyst to steer sales. If used properly, emotions can help by making consumers to easily understand and accept the advertising message.
To evaluate the successfulness of emotional advertising, you will need to observe whether the consumer is buying a particular product or revolting against the advertisement.
Advertisers or brand managers should also consider whether the use of emotions is necessary for his/her case.
Some products will only require a functionality benefits in order to be successful. The second factor a brand manager will consider is whether to use positive or negative emotions.
Emotions should be true to the brand and authentic.
Use of Positive Emotions
Brand managers who use positive emotions should ensure that they appear authentic and true to the brand.
Positive emotions can be used skillfully to ensure it creates a glow for the brand to bask in.
Use of Negative Emotions
Negative emotions can attract consumer attention and can also make them find solutions for the negative emotions affecting them.
Brand show a problem that that triggers a negative emotion and it offers a solution to that problem. This persuades consumers to use a brand.
Advertisers should not only think about content only but they should also emotions that advertisement might evoke. The emotions should also relate to the brand. Emotions should be able to connect with consumers.
Emotion Analysis In Advertising
Many people tend to have the short attention span to adverts while some even get annoyed with adverts that interfere with their enjoyment.
Emotional advertising is trying to solve these problems by appealing to the emotions of the consumer and also catch attention. Advertising success, therefore, depends on the use of emotions.
Manufacturers should always know how the consumers feel about their products. It is also necessary to find an appropriate and reliable means of measuring the response of consumers towards your emotional branding.
Advertising Feedback Technology You Can Use
Businesses use techniques such as surveys and interviews in order to obtain costumer’s feedback.
These techniques, however, concentrate much on what people think that what they feel. People give their responses and provide an accurate view of how they actually feel about the advert at the time they viewed it.
Businesses can also use neuroimaging and facial coding in order to capture and record the emotional response of the consumers.
However, this method is difficult to administer because it requires special equipment which is expensive and intrusive thus rendering the method impossible to small business.
The use emolytics which is a scientifically designed tool that provides affordable and unique answers to the feedback challenges. It can be fully integrated into the marketing materials.
Lastly, use of natural institutions, in the present day, people tends to share their emotions online. Through this, businesses get advertising feedback on what people feel about their products.
Types Of Emotions In Advertising
Advertisers have a range of emotions to consider. The following emotions can be applied:
Emotional Advertising Type #1: Happiness
Most people want to be associated with happiness, smiling, positivity and laughing. This focuses on people connecting and engaging with each other.
Advertisers make their adverts effective by using emotional articles that associate the product with happiness. Happiness makes people feel good. It is the most used emotion by advertisers.
Emotional Advertising Type #2: Sadness
This type of emotion is used by advertisers to show a sense of compassion. Showing empathy or compassion to costumers make them feel that you care about them.
Emotional Advertising Type #3: Fear
Being afraid is natural; it helps us to be cautious and to react appropriately to threat in order to increase the chances of survival.
Fear creates urgency and will make us do something to change the situation. One will buy a product that will prevent bad things from happening to them.
However, the approach is risky because the advert might be depressing and insensitive to viewers. Although it is not appropriate to scare or intimidate someone, fear can be a useful emotion. Fear makes us be worried that we might lose something if appropriate action is not taken.
Advertisers should know the pains of their consumers. You should always remind your customers about their fears and at the end offer a solution to them. Costumers are likely to act on their fears in order to find a solution.
Advertisers should always be careful to avoid excessive use of this emotion article because the customers might get scared.
Emotional Advertising Type #4: Surprise
It can be used together with some other emotions and can be either positive or negative. This emotion is used to show unexpected perspective among the consumers.
Emotional Advertising Type #5: Anger
Anger is a negative emotion that will cause a negative association with the product. However, anger can be used by advertisers to wake people up and to steer action. Anger or disgust makes us reconsider our actions and ask ourselves important questions.
It is normally used in advertisements that aim to make people mad about certain things, for example, political candidates, environmental issues and government policies.
Emotional Advertising Type #6: Greed
This is an emotion that advertisers use to make consumers feel that they will gain something if they make a purchase.
Advertisers make use of this emotion by informing consumers that this is just a one-time offer, limited offer or one that will expire soon.
It is done by using an urgent copy and by writing in the first person. It makes consumers have an assumption that if they make a purchase right away they will be rewarded.
Emotional Advertising Type #7: Altruism
This is the need to help other people; some people buy certain products in order to help others make a decision. This kind of emotion is most appropriate to charitable or donating entities.
For it to be effective, advertisers should ask themselves a question of how their products are going to save the world when the customers buy their products. They should also clarify to consumers how they are going to use their money to help other people.
Businesses should also explain the cause they stand for, be transparent to the way they are going to make donations and show the results of the customers’ action. This emotion work best for brands focusing on cause marketing and non-profitable organization.
Emotional Advertising Type #8: Envy
Envy makes people have a need to act in order to stay competitive. It focuses mostly on the competition among customers. It makes people feel that if they don’t a quick decision, their competitors will win.
Advertisers should do research to know the competitors of your customers.
Advertisers should appeal to the competitive nature of their customers by showing them how they can benefit from your product or service.
Provide your customers with a list of benefits they get from buying your products and once the customers have bought the product, paint a picture of success.
Advertisers should be careful not to make up certain things because you might lose your company’s credibility.
Emotional Advertising Type #9: Pride
This emotion is used to make the customers feel that they look smart. It is used by buyers who would want to make buying decisions that can make them look smart.
Customers do not only want other people to know that they made a decision but also show that they have made the best decision possible.
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Emotions are one of the most effective techniques of getting the attention of the target audience and for conversion.
Advertisers can contact Lander to help them develop an effective emotional advertising strategy.