9 Hot Tips to Build Your Ultimate Crowdfunding Landing Page
Crowdfunding Landing Page: Crowdfunding is a fairly new phenomenon but it has caught on very fast for public and private, business and government as wells as individual and organization fundraising.
You may be in need of doing something which requires an amount of money which you do not have, which calls for a crowdfunding campaign.
Accordingly, you will need a crowdfunding landing page to be effective and to make it a success.
Raising money is not an easy task, so, it is very important that you give it a good approach. Good preparation without overlooking any detail will make the campaign a success.
A crowdfunding landing page requires a focused, simple, and buyable message for the target audience but it involves more than telling your story.
The following tips can make you have a successful crowdfunding landing page
Crowdfunding Landing Page Tip #1: Crafting the Idea
When you want to start an online or digital campaign, whether it is crowdfunding or any other, you will always need to come up with an idea.
Crafting a good and credible idea should be your main goal, as it will guide you all through the process.
You need to have in writing what you want to create or develop and have reasons for why people need it or would want to buy into it.
Never forget to consider how much money you need to make it happen.
Crowdfunding Landing Page Tip #2: Research

Usually, a successful fundraising campaign starts with a good and thorough market research. To be more precise, you need to have a good analysis.
You will need to find out if your product or service will have a demand and be helpful in the market. You also need to know how you will enhance the benefit.
Additionally, what you need to know about are your competitors. How are they succeeding and how are they failing? You need to know that what you are offering is already being offered by other people.
Go through them and explore thoroughly to know how they do it, their pros and cons so that where they have been failing you don’t go through the same.
Crowdfunding Landing Page Tip #3: Platform Choice
Different platforms are usually intended for different purposes. Good platforms for crowdfunding have adopted a principle called the reward principle in which, for an exchange of financial support for a certain project, the backers gain a good reward.
This is appropriate for someone who is interested in getting money for a project that doesn’t need so much funding.
On the other hand, campaigns which need a lot of funds have also considered a concept in which an investor gets the same shares as the company.
To have a successful crowdfunding platform, it is important to avoid starting the project on many platforms because it will be very difficult to give your full attention to many platforms. It can also lead to distrust because of the inconsistency of actions.
Crowdfunding Landing Page Tip #4: Marketing Strategy

It is your own responsibility to encourage interest in your campaign. Social networks, blogs, and emails can be good avenues to get and reach your audience.
As a result, you need to draw a great plan on the plan of your marketing before you launch the campaign. The way you will market to your audience will highly matter what you will get.
Crowdfunding Landing Page Tip #5: Action Plan
Your marketing strategy not only needs a good plan but also requires that your actions be determined and recorded. You can use your calendar to record it.
Once you have your crowdfunding campaign checklist drafted, it will be an important stage for the preparation and have hope for the future success.
Crowdfunding Landing Page Tip #6: Social Media
If you really want to have a successful fundraising campaign, working with the audience on social networks can be a great move.
Considering that this is a digital campaign, social media is an integral part of your marketing.
You should always use your social media pages to promote your platform and advertise it; the bigger the audience you reach and engage, the more chances you have to own a successful campaign.
You should start activating or working your potential audience way before the launch of the campaign.
Crowdfunding Landing Page Tip #7: Friends
Always start with your friends; contacting your friends and persuade them to become active participants in your project and to share the message in their circles.
Your friends can also be a good way to market your project in their social networks and also by word of mouth. This is the easiest way to begin expanding your reach.
You will be able to attract a big audience who will be more likely to contribute because they will have an interest-friendship.
Crowdfunding Landing Page Tip #8: Campaign Deadline
You need to think about the timing of your campaign. If the timing of your campaign is too short, there is a high possibility of making the project difficult to succeed, when it is too long, it can bring about uncertainties and doubt in your contributors.
Successful campaigns last for about a month, which in most cases, is just enough for you to meet the desired goal.
Crowdfunding Landing Page Tip #9: Drawing the Budget Up
Apart from the other important tips for a successful crowdfunding campaign, this is also a very important one. You need to determine the budget of the campaign and know your audience capacity.
For example, on some platforms, if you have collected at least a half of the targeted amount, getting more will be hard and the money will go back to the backers.
However, make sure that anyone capable of contributing should have a chance. To have a good and detailed campaign, you need to consider many factors.
You can do this on your own or contact a professional company like Lander for good advice or execution.
The following can help you get it right:
Product Prototype
Take time to describe what you are planning and make visuals for good understanding. Make your visual prototype efficient.
Have a website that will illustrate your idea is a beneficial way, it is a must-have for a successful campaign.
Developing a landing page is a most profitable way to do this. You can start this landing page before launching the campaign for good results.
Brand Story
Tell about your product in detail and convince backers that your idea is worth their contributions. Explain the project in the best way by telling a good story about your brand.
Brand Identity
Your brand is usually your idea and it will give you an identity which includes the style, the logo, and even the color.
Color Presentation
A bright and colorful presentation is a smart way to go. Describe your idea and make it eye-catching to read. Make it as convincing as possible.
Not all crowdfunding platforms need a video but successful ones use videos to have an added advantage.
A video can help you explain to your backers why they need to help you achieve your idea. Ensure that your video can draw real attention.
In Conclusion…
For a successful fundraising campaign, you need to consider many things and it isn’t just a simple task.
You need to have backers who will assist you financially and to gain them, you need to give them a reason to get on board.
Those are enough tips and insights to help you know why you require a crowdfunding landing page. Better yet, get save on costs and time by getting one of our well-priced templates.