Ebook Landing Pages

How to Design Optimized Ebook Landing Pages


Most eBook landing pages are designed to inform people about some topic. Think an “About” page or a blog post. They aim to, first and foremost, convey knowledge to a visitor.

But digital marketers don’t always want to only inform. As prospects creep further down a business’s marketing funnel, it becomes necessary to persuade. And web pages designed to only provide information aren’t great persuaders.

This is where eBook landing pages come into play. An eBook landing page is a web page, disconnected from a website’s main navigation which is designed strictly to convince visitors to take action via the eBook that they just downloaded.

That action could be to sign up, subscribe, download, buy, etc. One needs an optimized eBook landing page to ensure capturing of every possible lead.

Here’s how to begin the designing of your own eBook Landing page:

Ebook Landing Pages: The headline


Ebook Landing Pages


The headline of  ebook landing pages needs to grab the attention of visitors and inform them of the purpose of the page. The headline should match what was clicked to arrive there, whether that was a Facebook Ad, Google Ad, a link from a blog article, a popup etc.

It needs to clearly explain what the ebook is about. When a user arrives at the eBook’s landing page, the headline catches the eye and gives enough information to decide if he/ she wants to read more or leave the page immediately.

Ebook Landing Pages: The subheading


The subheading is where you get to explain to visitors a bit more about what’s included in the eBook and the benefits it will give them. It should support your headline by giving more detail about your eBook.

In this scenario, various eBook landing pages tell their visitors what they will gain by reading this ebook. Their message and value is very clear and easy to understand, convincing potential leads to read the rest of the page and learn more - the exact purpose of the subheading.

Ebook Landing Pages:Description


The eBook description is your chance to explain why you wrote it, why the visitors need to download it and the value it will provide them. This is where you get to show them the value in your content and outline the various topics covered.

Ensure enough information is given to give a strong glimpse of the eBook, but don’t write too much and make the page text-heavy.

Ebook Landing Pages: image


Many marketers forget the importance of visually displaying their eBook on their landing page. A large proportion of people prefer visuals to text, so an image of your actual offer gives them more incentive to convert.

Whenever possible show the cover of the eBook, giving potential leads that extra push to learn more & opt in.

An image is easier to digest, so ensure it is relevant and conveys the title or topic of your eBook. Many eBook landing pages convey the topic of their eBook very clearly through a small, simple image.

Glancing at the page you can tell exactly what the topic is from the small graphic. Showing the title and a small image conveying their information is all needed to visually display the value of the content.

Ebook Landing Pages: The call-to-action


Ebook Landing Pages


Arguably this is the most important feature on eBook landing pages. The call-to-action needs to be attention-grabbing and easy to find. Make sure the button is clear in a contrasting color and always above the fold of the page when possible.

Avoid using words like “Submit” or “Click here” on the call-to-action button. The CTA needs to be actionable, telling potential leads exactly what will happen when they click the button.

Although, it is generally below the fold of the page, it doesn’t have to battle with other features to grab reader’s attention.

The landing page is the perfect opportunity to give visitors information and convince them that the eBook is the solution to their problems or the information they need. One page with one focused goal can be the difference between a bounce and a new valuable lead for your business.