E-commerce Landing Pages

Best Strategies for E-commerce Landing Pages

Compare e-commerce landing pages to a web page that is specific built to highlight a promotion, product or a sale. Retailers and online businesses have a goal to generate profit where possible and drive traffic to their page.

SEO tools help to parade web site and enable to rank the pages among the top search results in various search engines. They help consumers during the research stage when they are looking for the best online stores to engage.

Optimization of landing pages is notably cost effective as they tend to multiply impact.

Challenges of online stores


Most people mostly prefer to view an item before purchase. This helps to determine the perfect size and fit that you need as well as if the item you purchase is the right one. The cost of delivery and the refund fee are very costly to most people.


E-commerce Landing Pages

Most customers find online purchases to have no privacy since an online purchase materializes records that you can easily trace and track.

Tips for productive e-commerce landing pages


First and foremost, one has to place themselves in a customer’s place so as to identify what they don’t and would like to see on online e-commerce landing pages.

Choose large and attractive imagery: Ensure the visitors are able to see all and different sides to a product. You can place the product in a wider context as well to show how the product looks when in use.

Use interactive images: You can turn the images into a 360⁰ rotate feature.


E-commerce Landing Pages


Have an eye-catching headline: The headline convinces as well as informs a customer on the necessary details. People may scan the content, but they always tend to read the headline.


Proof, testimonials, and awards: Visitors mostly tend to be wary of new websites. You should show visitors that others trust you. Quotes from satisfied clients as well as features in recognized publications make visitors less cautious.


Call to action button: The CTA button provides options for buying or signing up. In case one doesn’t secure the sale, secure an email address that can later prove beneficial.


Free shipping and returns: It makes customers feel like they are getting extra goods and services. One is at a disadvantage if this is not on offer because most stores currently provide this.


Countdown clock: Add a countdown tool to heighten urgency -counting down of stock increases a sense of panic ensuring that customers hurry to buy products before they run out.


Link management: Limit the links available on the site that take a visitor away from a page.


Advertisement: When using adverts, maintain consistency. The items on the advert should match those at the e-commerce site.


Mobile compatibility: The site and e-commerce landing pages should be compatible with mobile devices because there is an increase in their usage for most functions, and compatibility leads to an increase in web site visitors.

Finally, ensure your site is relatively easy to use and ensure you test it well before launch to ensure it  works appropriately.