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Different Use Cases for Facebook Ads

As a marketing person, you should know the value of your potential customers and the strategy to approach them. With more than 890 million users signing in every day, Facebook is the most popular and most widely used social network around the globe.

Many people are using it in their spare time for entertainment but it has also become a widely used marketing strategy tool over last few years. Companies are maintaining their pages; they are paying for the advertisements and are using different Facebook ad technique to promote their business.

Should One Choose Facebook Ads?

Does Facebook ads really help? Is using Facebook ads for promotion of your business is right choice or just a waste of money? Many people review Facebook adverts as a useful and helping tool to increase the likes of their relevant field while some people mark it Facebook ads as useless non helping tool. So based on research different cases of Facebook ads are defined along with some tips to use facebook ads correctly and get proper benefit from them.

No matter what you choose, remember to create a complete experience for the end user by creating either a Facebook landing page tab which would be found on your Facebook business page or an off-Facebook, company branded URL based landing page. Without either of the former options, you are bound for failure if you send traffic to a homepage instead.

Different Use Cases for Facebook Ad

Facebook ads have many different cases depending upon the package one choose for advertising his business and the type of audience to target. Surely, Facebook is used all around the world by every kind of person from students to CEOs of multinational companies. Targeting the perfect audience according to the nature of your product is the most important part of any social media advertisement.

Depending upon these factors, there are different use cases for Facebook ads. Facebook makes it absolutely clear that there are different methods for different kinds of marketers to boost their business and promote their product. Facebook use both FBX and mobile web based custom audience for advertising purpose. You can choose among the different groups of audiences to target specific people and obtain the best results. Following are some use cases face book uses for advertising.

FBX for Predictive Buying

In this case of advertising, the product is covered in complete details and even the similar products are marketed to give users the complete sense of what they are purchasing.

FBX for Specific and Creative Buying

FBX will allow a marketer to target any specific user for the exact product they were viewing. This approach is more clinical and is for large scale businesses. For example if a user is looking for a cooking product, FBX would use the strategy of Custom Audiences to reach people searching for cooking products who have not downloaded their mobile app.

Custom Audience Conversational Marketing

In this approach, the Facebook will help the retailer to go to the news feed of the custom audience signed it with Facebook. Although this approach is not as clinical as above, but it serves same purpose.

Custom Audience for Lapsed Customers

In this approach, the Facebook will separately send a promotional message to the targeted custom audience who didn’t buy the product at first approach.