Anatomy of a Good Conversion Page and It’s Uses
A conversion page appears when a visitor to your website completes a desired goal, such as filling out a form or making a purchase.
The percentage of total visitors that convert is called your conversion rate. Depending on your site's or business's goals, conversion types might include:
● Leads
● Email signups
● Form completions
In order to track conversions, conversion rate, and cost per conversion, you need to make sure to use conversion tracking on your conversion page.
Conversion rate optimization, or CRO, is the process of improving your conversion rate. A/B testing or split testing is one of the techniques used to test and monitor the conversion performance of different landing pages or ads.
It helps to identify which elements on your ads and pages optimize your online conversion rate. For example, you might test different headlines, buttons, calls to action, or images on your landing pages to see which variations lead to more conversions.
Conversion Tracking in a Conversion page

This is a powerful tool in AdWords that lets you identify how well your ad campaign is generating leads, sales, downloads, email sign-ups, and other key actions for your business.
The data recorded by conversion tracking allows you to identify which areas of your campaign are working and not working, so you can optimize your bids, ad text, and keywords accordingly.
Depending on your business, a conversion could be counted when a customer makes a purchase through your website, signs up for a newsletter, fills out an online survey or contact form, downloads an app or whitepaper, calls a phone number from a mobile phone, and so on.
After you've identified what customer actions you want to track as conversions, it takes just a few simple and free steps to get conversion tracking up and running for your campaign.
Setting Up Conversion Tracking in a Conversion page
This involves generating a bit of HTML code in AdWords that you paste on the webpage on your site that customers visit immediately after completing the conversion (such as an "Order Confirmation" or "Thanks for Your Email" page). There are a lot of uses for conversion pages in general.
How to Setup Conversion Tracking on your Conversion page
To get started,
• Click on the Tools and Analysis tab in AdWords, and select Conversions from the drop-down menu, which brings up the All conversions page.
• Click on the Conversions tab, then click the +Conversion button to create your first conversion.
You'll be prompted to fill out a form that will help AdWords generate the appropriate HTML code for you to paste into your webpage.
Give the conversion a name, such as "Contact Form submissions" if you want to track how many times visitors fill out your site's Contact Us form.
Next, select the source of the conversion. Your choices are:
1) Webpage
If you want customers to complete an action on your conversion page, such as an online purchase, contact form submission, or page visit.
2) Call on-site
If you want customers to call the phone number on your site.
3) App downloads
If you want readers to download the app.
Below are the uses of tracking conversions in a Conversion page via different methods:
1) Webpage Conversions

Enabling the tracking indicator causes an unobtrusive message to appear on your site letting visitors know that their visits to your site are being tracked by Google.
Displaying it is optional, and you can opt out of showing the message by selecting the "Don't add a notification to the code generated for my page" option.
If you do select it (by default, the selection is "yes") you can replace the standard message with your own, and customize the message's appearance by changing the size (single line of text vs. two lines), page background color, and language.
2) Call On-Site Conversions
If your website allows customers to call your business phone number directly from their smartphones, you can use conversion tracking to track the number of times a call is made.
Go through similar steps above to generate your code, and then you'll have to manually insert "onclick" HTML tags into the code provided by Google.
3) App Conversions
AdWords is able to track downloads of Android app through the Google Play store, and, to a limited degree, iOS apps through the Apple App Store. iOS app tracking is not available for Google Search or Google Display Network campaigns -- only for the ads that are served in mobile apps through the Display Network.
To set up conversion tracking for an Android app, you will be asked for the app's "Package Name." To find it, go to the app's page in the Google Play store.