Return On Investment

Best Call Conversion Optimization Tricks For Smart Marketers

Conversion optimization is the process of ensuring that as many visitors as possible to your marketing campaign pages convert.

You can have a well-constructed landing page and a well thought out marketing campaign but if the visitors don’t convert then it is all in vain.

It’s important to improve both our offline and online marketing campaigns with better and accurate data on what actually drives conversions.

Website Call Conversion Optimization


Your website is very important as it’s the face for your business as this is the first place your prospects will land before they make a conversion.

There are some businesses that will offer their visitors the option of filling out online forms, to request for more info or to schedule appointments while there are other sites such as e-commerce sites that allow their visitors to make a purchase online.

This makes it very important to utilize digital tools such as Google analytics to track and report on these actions and also to evaluate the effectiveness of the website to drive conversions.

But there are other media that your prospects may use to convert that cannot be tracked by such tools which should also count as a conversion such as phone calls.

It is important to conduct call tracking for any business if they want to get a clear picture of their conversions. If you do not track the calls you receive from your website you may assume that your website is under-performing.

The following are some of the ways through which you can track the call conversions from your website:

Call Conversion Optimization Tip #1: Manual Call Tracking


Call Conversion Optimization


This entails directly asking your customers how they found out about your business. This is the easiest method to use to discover where your calls are coming from.

Manual call tracking is a personable technique as you interact with the customers directly and is great for small, local businesses who usually receive a low volume of calls.

It can also be used by large companies that want to periodically confirm the information they are getting from both the caller and their call tracking technology.

If you are a business that receives very many calls I would not recommend that you use this method of call tracking as it will be tedious and the information you get may be skewed unless you manually enter them into a specific database.

Call Conversion Optimization Tip #2: Simple Call Tracking


If your main aim is to track the number of calls and see who is calling, you can use a simple solution such as a click-to-call counter or Google call extensions.

These tools are quite easy to use and, they can make this task which would have primarily been quite difficult and time-consuming, to be quite simple and save you a lot of valuable time. Have a look at these call conversion optimization tools:

Call Conversion Optimization Tool #1: Google Reporting



The Google call extensions tool allows you to add your phone number to your Google AdWords ads. This will give your prospects the option of either visiting your website or calling you directly using the phone number provided in the advertisement.

These kinds of ads are great for those businesses that want to boost the volume of phone calls they receive.

You will need to add a Google forwarding number to your ad if you want to track the calls that come from Google call extensions.

When this is done, the data received from you incoming calls will be fed into your AdWords account so that you can track the website call conversions. When you add a tracking number to your Google ads you will be able to do the following:

Designate a Specific Call Duration as a Conversion


There are some businesses that consider a 3-minute call conversation a conversion, while others will require up to a 5-minute phone conversation for it to be considered a conversion.

You should specify the duration of a phone call that you would consider to be a conversion for your business because, all business cannot have the same goals and thus not the same specifications.

See Which Campaigns and Ads are Driving Calls


Call Conversion Optimization


This call reporting feature is great at helping you maximize optimization of your campaign ads. It does this by allowing you to know which ads are performing well and the ones that need to be edited so as to increase the number of conversions for your business.

The only downside for Google call extensions is that it only works with ads on the Google search network. It does not allow you to analyze data from conversions gotten from any other online sources.

This tool is great if you are only looking to optimize your business’s Google ad campaigns and increase conversions from these ads. This tool is ideal for those businesses that only rely on AdWords for their website call conversions.

Call Conversion Optimization Tool #2: Click-to-call Counters


Click-to-call counters have become really popular thanks to how easy they are to use and also their ability to boost conversion rates.

This feature allows prospects to dial a business instantly by just clicking a button or a link without having to punch in the numbers on their phone.

This is also a great tool when you want to track the number of users that reach your business using a click-to-call link.

This is because once a user clicks the button or link to dial you they are usually redirected to a landing page between the click and the dialing of your number.

The data on this landing page is tracked and the number of visits on the landing page is what counts towards conversions. There are also a few drawbacks attached to this type of call tracking which include:

• The data that you get may be a bit skewed because a click does not necessarily mean that a call was completed

• This type of call tracking will only track the number of clicks received on your click-to-call button or link and no other information.

This method is recommended for small businesses that are just starting in the world of call tracking.

Call Conversion Optimization Tool #3: Call Tracking Software


Call Conversion Optimization


Call tracking software will give you in-depth information that will go a long way in ensuring that you get the whole picture of your conversions. Other benefits include:

• The ability to track the entire customer journey

Call tracking software allows you to see every single point that led the user to make the call. This enables you to find out at which exact point your user decided to make a conversion.

This information will help you to increase your optimization and consequently the number of conversions your business receives.

• The ability to record phone calls

This feature is essential if you want to improve your customer service. You can use the recorded phone calls to train your staff on how to relate to the customers.

• Analysis of lead quality with conversion analytics

You can use these features to analyze a phone conversation and determine the lead quality or every website call conversion when you don’t have the time to do it yourself.

• You can use a third-party call tracking software to integrate all your marketing platforms that give you conversion data.

These are some of the things you ought to know about call conversion optimization as a marketing tool for your business.